How skillful are you at inferring the emotions, intentions and needs of others through basic mentalizing? The BMI™ assessment provides insight into your current basic mentalizing competencies, such as: • Your self-awareness of your own susceptibility to adopting the affect (emotions, feelings, and moods) and behavior of others • Your ability to use shared affect and behavior to understand what is going on in the minds of others • Your ability to consciously utilize embodied sharing of affect and behavior to learn from others and to foster better connections • Your self-awareness of the verbal and nonverbal channels upon which you rely to gather social information • Your ability to understand the feelings and intentions of others through their nonverbal behavior • Your ability to apply your own nonverbal behavior to convey meaningful messages to others • Your self-awareness of sensations coming from within (interoceptive) or outside (exteroceptive) your body • Your ability to associate interoceptive and exteroceptive sensations with their respective causes • Your ability to detect interoceptive and exteroceptive sensations in others and to make accurate associations • Your awareness of the influence that interoceptive and exteroceptive sensations can have on your basic mentalizing efforts At the moment that you receive your inventory report in the mail you will have FREE ACCESS to BMC Module 1. Embodied Sharing of Affect and Behavior. Our inventories are eclectic research instruments based on various theories, and supported by a wide body of scientific research. The insights derived from our assessment will assist you in designing a roadmap to bridge any gaps in your skill set, and pursuing the most suitable advice, training and/or counseling program offered by the Center for Applied Theory of Mind. This inventory will remain accessible for 7 days, after which you may need to re-enroll.