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Affective Mentalizing Inventory + free year long access to AMC Module 1. Attitude Toward Affect and Affective Understanding


The AMI™ assessment provides insight into your current affective mentalizing tendencies and skills, such as: • Your level of comfort in sharing your own emotions and dealing with the affect (emotions, feelings, or moods) of others • Your understanding of affects, your own and those of others • Your ability to employ both affective empathy and cognitive empathy • Your level of empathic distress • Your tendency to act with compassion towards others • Your employment of self-compassion • Your ability to share and explain emotional experiences clearly and appropriately • Your ability to send clear affective messages to influence the behavior of others • Your ability to receive affective messages from others in a way that facilitates understanding of their needs At the moment that you receive your inventory report in the mail you will have FREE ACCESS to AMC Module 1. Attitude Toward Affect and Affective Understanding. Our inventories are eclectic research instruments based on various theories, and supported by a wide body of scientific research. The insights derived from our assessment will assist you in designing a roadmap to bridge any gaps in your skill set, and pursuing the most suitable advice, training and/or counseling program offered by the Center for Applied Theory of Mind. This inventory will remain accessible for 7 days, after which you may need to re-enroll.




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