The SMI™ assessment provides insight into your current strategic mentalizing competencies by examining the following: • Your awareness of the motivational impetus for engaging in strategic mentalizing • Whether your strategic mentalization is driven by a need to control situations • Your belief in the effectiveness of strategic mentalizing • Your proficiency in extracting indicators that reveal primary mental states such as affects (emotions, feelings, or moods), desires, beliefs, and level of knowledge, from verbal behavior of others • Your ability to infer complex mental states such as intentions, motivations, and attitudes from primary mental state indicators • Your ability to infer from verbal behavior the willingness of others to cooperate/affiliate, or their intention to compete/socially distance • Your ability to infer personality traits from verbal behavior • Your ability to understand others' perspectives, hold multiple perspectives in mind, and flexibly shift between them • The extent to which you seek to understand the causes of others' behavior and your willingness to consider alternative explanations for behavior • Your ability and motivation to influence others • Your susceptibility to the influence of others and your ability to resist unwanted influence. At the moment that you receive your inventory report in the mail you will have FREE ACCESS to SMC Module 1. Motivation to Strategically Mentalize Our inventories are eclectic research instruments based on various theories, and supported by a wide body of scientific research. The insights derived from our assessment will assist you in designing a roadmap to bridge any gaps in your skill set, and pursuing the most suitable advice, training and/or counseling program offered by the Center for Applied Theory of Mind. This inventory will remain accessible for 7 days, after which you may need to re-enroll.